
Hey there! My name is Erik Mikkelsen and I am a graduate of the LAST Communication Arts program at Lethbridge College! I am from the big city of Calgary, but I have grown to love the small town vibes. During my time in the program at Lethbridge College I switched my focus from advertising and public relations to broadcast because I truly fell in love. However, I think I may be having a love affair between radio and television… I simply can’t decide which I like better!

I do know for sure that I have a passion for pop culture. Movies, music, celebrities, reality TV,  you name it… There’s something so interesting about the worlds obsession for celebrities. To put it in perspective, they’re almost like our greek gods! I hope my career in the industry leads me to red carpet interviews and dishing the latest celebrity gossip. I’ve got my seatbelt on, just waiting for the green light to go!

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